Jul 7Liked by EKB

I will tell you a story. I don't know if it will help, hurt or be completely irrelevant but it's what I have. After the 4 hostages were rescued I saw a bunch of people going on about how many dead to get the hostages was anywhere from unconscionable to evil. I was pissed!! I wanted to do something to show my support for Israel and for the jewish community here in the US. I bought a necklace with a Star of David and the words Bring Them Home Now. I have been wearing it since it arrived. I was unsure though because I didn't want people (Jewish or not) to think I was Jewish and that's why I had it. I wanted people to know that I am not Jewish and I still stand with Israel and the Jewish community. I stopped at a convenience store the other morning to get some coffee and water. As I was standing at the counter the cashier kept looking at me like I was going to bite him. I've bought stuff from this cashier enough that he knows who I am or at least recognizes my face, and he has never acted this way before. He kept looking at me then quickly looking away. It took me a moment to realize he was looking at my necklace. I don't know why my necklace would make him that uncomfortable, but I decided then and there that buying and wearing it was the right thing to do! I promise you, you are not alone and that there are more of us than you think. We may not be loud, shouting slogans and waving banners, but we are here. I am here and I will stand with you till the end one way or another.

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Jul 7Author

Thank you so very much for your allyship. I am also sorry that you felt the sting of antisemitism. If find it really interesting that somehow to these antiIsrael fanatics if you want to bring the hostages home that means you are antiPalestinian. What that also means is that these people think what happened on October 7 is just fine the the violent antisemitism that has broken out around the world is just fine too. These people are simply sad human beings.

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Jul 8Liked by EKB

Happiness is good health and a bad memory - Ingrid Bergman

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I'll make you happy. Not very happy. The nerve if I should presume so much. Not even, really, *happy*. A little happy.

You're right.

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Jul 8Author

Well I am happy that you agree with me even a little bit 😀. I am not so happy to be right this time.

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Jul 6Liked by EKB

Same here. Gaza, Covid, progressive ideology, something, turned the world upside down and I live now in bewilderment, grief and exhaustion. And fear. Nothing works as it should any more. Yet the majority seem oblivious so I wonder if it is I that am mad. I know it isn't though. Something vital has been destroyed and we're just awaiting the catastrophe to come. Or is it already here?

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Jul 6Author

You hit exactly how I feel right now. My fear is that we are awaiting a catastrophe of epic proportions. I hope beyond hope that I am just being paranoid and cantankerous as I get older. But no matter what I do I cant shake that feeling.

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I second the emotion. It's not something I discuss with anyone; just a feeling that I try to shake off, try to resume the effort to have a fruitful day. But there is a persistent feeling of malaise that doesn't appear to be personal. It's as if the energy is being sucked out of things; suspended, as we wait for the other shoe to drop.

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Jul 18Liked by EKB

Coming of age we get more sensitive, and a bit more fragile. We cannot ignore the malignancies that causes suffering. It's all around us. Thank you for sharing. It allows fellow humans to who feel the same to share their deep feelings here.

We're not alone.

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I am also tired. Long tired. An exhaustion that I can’t sleep off. I think it’s the constant in and out of fight or flight, and I agree that it feels this way since the pandemic.

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Aug 3Author

I'm sorry you feel like this. I hope it gets better soon.

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Likewise 🙏🏻

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Jul 17Liked by EKB

As long as there is division among mankind, be it by race, religion or lack of respect for life, the FACT that we are ALL human beings - we all need food, shelter and security - there will NEVER be an end to suffering and war.

Try reading or watching Jiddu Krishnamurti, the anti-guru. The answers to our turmoils are in ourselves. Just ask ourselves the right questions.

I'm so very tired too, too sad to be angry. History just repeats itself as long as WE do not change. Division is conflict, internally and externally. I wish we could all unite. But I agree that evil has to be destroyed.

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Jul 18Author

Thank you for your comment and joining in the discussion.

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“Stand in line. Fill out form. Take back and get stamp. Drop dead, but first get permit.”

From Federalist #62:

“It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood: if they be repealed or revised before they are promulged, or undergo such incessant changes, that no man who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow.”

James Madison

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Could it be a brain needs to take a cleansing dump? Like so many issues pile up and really, do they matter as much with time? I mean, what was highly important two days ago has morphed into the other equally simmering issues, kind of like digestion when food runs its course.

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I feel the same weariness, plus ennui, plus anger, plus body fatigue - all of it. And you're correct: nothing works. Air travel is disgusting. Groceries and rent are astronomically high. But unlike you, I feel that ALL of it is the result of the C19 catastrophe. You cannot grind an economy to a halt and not have the results we're experiencing now. Add the mandated shots and the unceasing river of lies from every direction...et voila!

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Jul 7Author

I think alot of the issues we have today, especially the economic ones, resulted from some of the Covid policies, but I think alot of them were around way before Covid. Covid just brought them to the forefront.

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You're probably right. I just cannot supress my righteous anger at what they did to us

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But could they have done it if populations weren't already demoralised ?

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Jul 18Author

I don't think we went into the pandemic demoralized. Think back, before it happened the economy was booming. People are angry now because of the cost of everyday items. What did the ragin cajun say? "It's the economy stupid." Fix the economic issues and the demoralization goes away.

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I don't know. I can only judge by what happened to me personally. It was objectively a better world prior to the CCP instigated C19 catastrophe, orchestrated by the evil dwarf Fauci and others. It has made me - for better or for worse - a single issue voter.

But yes, it's possible that the ground had been prepared. I personally don't recall it

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I suppose it was not the same in every country. In the UK people were traumatised and confused by the Brexit referendum and its consequences.

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Jul 18Author

Brexit really did take its toll on the UK. I'm sorry about that.

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I am not a Brit but from a distance (and a lot of reading) Brexit is a very good thing for the UK and - in my opinion - something to be emulated by a few other countries.

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Too tired to read such a long article

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Isn’t this why we have FB, Insta and TikTok?

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