“Where are those who would condemn these barbarians? Where are those that condemn the evil that they represent? Where are those who demand that there be consequences for their actions and their beliefs in supporting vile hatreds? Where are those who would stand up for Western civilization?”

Where? Right here on this post. And all others who are always the lone voices of history. Simple people make history.

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Oct 6Author

Sometimes though I feel like I am screaming into the void.

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Right. I get it. But just like Israel doesn’t have a choice but to fight, we really don’t have a choice: we have to scream.

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These same questions have consumed me since 10/7/23. How and when did America begin to accommodate terrorists - groups flat-out dedicated to killing Jews, wherever they find them? Of course I believe in the 1st Amendment - but I don't believe it extends to exhortations to harass and murder Jews (or anyone else). That institutions of higher learning spread out the welcome mat to terrorists and their supporters ... I am dumbfounded. Leadership everywhere in hiding or extending the broadest equanimity possible to those baying for the blood of Jews. This reveals an embrace of nihilism - an eager joyful embrace - that is beyond disgusting, beyond previous imagining. I've written before, but I need to restate: Pre - 10/7 I thought I would go to my grave not really grasping how Germany could descend into the barbaric mass murder of Jews; now, post 10/7, news of that descent - the plans, aims, designs and intent to destroy Israel and the Jews arrives breakfast lunch and dinner. Well, no, not in my America and over my dead body. God help us, God bless Israel and the Jewish people.

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The threat of violence against Jews in America is far greater coming from the far right. The anti-Israel lies being taught at universities (and earlier) is dangerous and the college protests are annoying, but the actual threat of violence and death to Jews and other ethnic minorities is coming from the far right. Don’t kid yourself.

See @Mona Charen’s recent column (which might be on Bulwark) for more on this threat. And she’s no liberal.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs agoAuthor

The power to change our culture lies in the hands of the Left. They control the arts, education and a large swath of the democratic party. The Nazis didn't just burst on the scene and start killing Jews. It took decades of indoctrination in the schools. The Left's indoctrination exists today and it is working. The polls all show that the younger the person is the more they support Hamas and the slaughter on October 7. Maybe you should read Sapir Magazine or Tablet for a true taste of what the Left is up to. They report on it all the time.

It is the left that is baying for Jewish blood and celebrating Jewish slaughter. The far right has very little power if any in our society. That they possess guns, yes they do. But so does the Left. The Left hasn't walked into a synagogue yet and shoot it up? But they support the Islamists who do. There are guards at synagogue doors in Europe because of Islamists. It has been Islamists that have killed jews in Europe. Do those Jews count? And the recent attacks against Jews in Brooklyn and LA have been by leftists or black nationalists. The Left is marching today to demand our slaughter. The threat from the Left is real and as threatening or more so as anything from the right.

It is the Left in Europe that makes common cause with Islamists. It is the red-green alliance, the horseshoe theory of Jew hatred. The Left here in the US is no different. Don't kid yourself.

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13 hrs agoLiked by EKB

Respectfully, I'd say it's about equal. The Left was involved in some pretty horrible political violence and terrorism in the 60's/70's. Seeing the utter rage in the faces of a lot of the anti-Israel protesters...wouldn't put it past them to act on it, especially when they're constantly provoked by their rhetoric. Any means necessary means all bets are off.

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You are correct. Those groups like Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Blood Tribe, Patriot Front, etc., are just Brown Shirts by other names. That they openly support political candidates without repudiation is a definite warning sign. The warning lights are flashing furiously.

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They really are. Last off ramp for state-sponsored violence is coming up. Hard to believe we’re here.

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There are answers, but are beyond the scope of this comment section. How interested are you in exploring them?

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The questions are more rhetorical. Sometimes there really are no answers.

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