Somehow we’ve made traditional masculine qualities bad. Most men who have these qualities are honorable. I agree about many women’s sociopathology. They could learn a thing or two.

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May 18Liked by EKB


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Apr 6Liked by EKB

I am surprised that I still have all my fingers. As a kid I packed cutoff match heads into used CO2 cylinders to make improvised rockets that sometimes exploded when set off. I like to tell my grandkids about how as ten year olds with paper routes my friends and I once rode our bikes to a nearby small airport. We gave a pilot we didn’t know a couple of bucks for gas and he flew us over our homes in a Piper Cub. When I got home and told my mom her response was “that’s nice, get ready for dinner” and that was it. We lived in a Chicago suburb and would ride the train to the Loop and wander through the big department stores and once ended up on State street south of Van Buren outside a burlesque show hoping to get a peek inside. A friendly doorman waved us in for a free show. That we never mentioned to our folks. I fear for the current coddled generation.

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Apr 7Author

We have changed childhood so much that it no longer resembles what it should be- The time when human offspring learn how to navigate the world.

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