I doubt the past was as different from today as you think it was- our memory often tricks us by being selective. That said, I think social media is a major factor. The temptation of being able to 'go viral' by catching, provoking, tricking, or embarrassing someone else colors a lot of our interactions.

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Oct 1Author

That's exactly my point when I talk about nostalgia. Nostalgia is how we remember things as we think they were not necessarily how they actually were. People pine for the good-old-days forgetting just how awful they really were.

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I believe you are correct. It seems to me social media just makes bad behaviour stand out more, since more people can see it.

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This is such a well written piece, and thoughtfully put. Not wishy-washy and sentimental at all. I enjoyed reading so much and thank you.

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Oct 1Author

Thank you.

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Such a wonderful post amidst the trouble, turbulence, and turmoil of the day. What we give out is often a reflection of one's heart. That reminds me of the Proverb "A cheerful heart is good medicine.... " Thank you for sharing this, a little like seeing a field of wildflowers in bloom after a hard hike.

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Oct 1Author


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Oct 1Liked by EKB

Thank you for this. I’m giving to my local food bank!

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Oct 1Author


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Thank You for this lovely essay. Kindness is indeed both necessary and far more complicated than we are often led to believe.

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Jasmine Crockett, IMO, is leagues above MTG in intelligence and qualifications & probably AOC as well. She is a serious legislator. I know the episode you’re referring to, but she responded to a racist attack on her by MTG. If you look at her record, you’ll see she’s put forth quite a bit of legislation. She practiced civil rights and defense work for close to 20 years before running for office. And she’s not an extremist, which I appreciate. Just saying.

Other than that, great essay!

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Oct 1Author

It doesn't show intelligence to let yourself be goaded into a fight with a twit. I also saw her with Jake Tapper the next day trying to show how tough she is by what she said to MTG. She came off as ridiculous. Congress isn't a bar or the playground at recess. it is Congress and you have a modicum of respect for where you are. She did herself a great disservice.

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I wasn’t suggesting that her response was an indication of her intelligence. I was suggesting that her resume plus her actual work in Congress shows she belongs there, unlike MTG, for sure, and AOC to a lesser degree.

How would you feel working closely with a group of people making anti-Semitic slurs all day? Or who were just openly anti-Semitic? Would you stay silent for the purpose of decorum? Or would you call it out at some point? Perhaps you’re more dignified than I, but I pretty much always call it out if the slurs are coming from anyone I expect to see more than once.

To each her own!

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MTG's comment was about Crockett's false eyelashes and was not racist in the least (although it was snarky and rude). I think Jasmine Crockett owes MTG an apology, but that would require a maturity level that she does not have. Neither of these women belong in Congress. We as a country deserve far better representation than that.

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The eyelash thing, as Rep. Crockett later explained, is very much a black thing and MTG’s comments were racially coded. Comments on members’ appearances are not allowed under rules of order. AOC moved to have the comment stricken and Comer declined. Crockett then jumped in to clarify the meaning of the rule against “engaging in personalities” with her now famous comment. The whole thing was a shit show, but if you actually look at their records, Crockett is heads and tails above the other two. As I said, she’s practiced law for 20 years and even as a freshman in Congress, has distinguished herself with both legislative efforts and oversight. You don’t have to like her politics, but she’s no squad member or worse, an MTG/Boebert type, there only to become a Twitter star. Last I’ll say on the subject, but I just think she’s worth defending.

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We live in a society in the USA where young women dress more like whores than young ladies, women wear their pj's in public, and brag about abortions. Our world is upside down and kindness will be restored when reality is restored.

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