I enjoyed reading this, thank you. I’m wondering now if you made your yummy chocolate cake in a Bundt pan?

Such interesting history about Nordic Ware too. Did you know they make a Star of David pan as tribute to the Jewish women behind the original pan? You may be owed commission from Nordic Ware as I may proceed to buy one and tell all my friends. Rosh Hashanah is on the horizon and a Magen David on the table would be very uplifting I think!

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Aug 19Author

Thank you for reading my post and for the compliment.

Actually I did not use a bundt pan. I was using a Dunkin Hines prepackaged cake mix and a regular circular pan. It was such a disaster. I still have baking nightmares because of it....

Something in the back of my head remembers the Star of David cake pan, but rather foggily. I would love a commission from Nordic Ware, wonder how I go about getting that...Rosh Hashanah is later this year. Not til October. Too many weeks until then. Who knows what is going to happen...sigh.

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Indeed.. we will keep on keeping on; regardless, we WILL stay strong. All good thoughts with you.

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You seem to be writing to a group with an established moral compass.

A shrinking demographic.

Use spray like Pam for baking. I know it’s full of chemicals. The cake comes right out.

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Aug 18Author

I just write how I feel about things and to those of us, like me, who are older than 50. Is it old fashioned ethics and morals? I don't consciously think about morals and ethics when I write. I truly just write what pops into my head.

I hadn't thought about Pam. We have switched to avocado spray. No chemicals.

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We’re on the same page again, my friend. Except I do have something to add about Bundt cakes: It’s really hard to get them neatly out of the pan without the parts around the hole sticking. There must be a life-lesson in that too.

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Aug 17Author

Mom always had perfect bundt cakes. I can't bake to save my life.

I remember years ago, probably 40 by now, I tried to bake my father a birthday cake, after 2 hours in the oven it was still raw. And then there was my attempt at challah that turned green.

So, I have no real hacks for sticking bundt cakes, except maybe more butter and flour in the pan prep or use a teflon pan?

For a life lesson does that mean we should add more butter to everything. Afterall butter does make everything better :)

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding had a thing about a bundt cake- did you see that? “Boont” something like that

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Author

Absolutely yes. As I was writing this post I was thinking about that scene where the very WASPY in-law (I was going to write machataenista but didn't think enough people would know what that was) brought a bundt cake and the Greek family couldn't pronounce it properly and had no idea what it was.

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Oooh I’ll have to rewatch that. I can’t remember that scene.

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