Great piece. Thank you. As we aged it is hard to find ourselves struggling to keep our body and soul, like we were young. It is hard to accept ! I can only share my experience: combined kind of a movement activities as way of life. work on walking and the flexibility of the body. Walking makes the stomach eating process more efficient. Flexibility makes the muscles and blood streaming more stable. Its a good way also to ease some stress...

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Aug 3Author

Thank you. Absolutely, exercise is the key to alot of our well being. My exercise is varied, between the arc trainer, the Peloton, core and weights. I cant imagine what bad shape I’d be in without it.

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That’s the way to go 🔥🔥

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I don’t think the war is helping anything either.

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Aug 3Author

Didn’t think of that, but you are so right!

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Aug 5Liked by EKB

Coming late to this, but it’s something to consider: I had terrible GERD coupled with my mixed IBS. The Gerd really ruined my teeth and made me miserable. I did find the Gerd diet helpful. Boring, but helpful. I don’t have anything carbonated, alcoholic (I really loved my nightly glass of dry red), fried, spicy or fatty.

But after a huge amount of dental work, I elected to have a fundiplication. I found a surgeon who specializes in this surgery and it worked. Still have IBS, but haven’t had Gerd since. And I continue to eat a mostly bland diet to help my IBS.

Not suggesting you go straight for the surgery, but it’s worth keeping in mind if it grows into more of a problem.

And I totally agree with the commenter who mentioned the stress you’re under. IBS has been linked to mental health and stress, in particular.

I keep you and Israel in my prayers.

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Aug 5Author

You are never too late to come into any conversation on my subsctack.

I want to thank you for your information. I am going to keep it in mind. Right now the diet does seem to be mostly doing its job. I am learning what I can and cannot eat and what causes discomfort.

I don't mind the bland diet in truth. Do miss the wine though😉 but the health benefits are actually showing itself. Yes I know I should have listened earlier....

I hope you feel well .

Thank you for your prayers.

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I admire your ability to post regularly: good quality, complete, stand-alone pieces. I always hope that I can work my way up to doing that.

And I always enjoy your insights on the news restacks. Insightful and spot-on. Beautifully worded and pulls no punches.

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Sep 15Author

Thank you so much.❤️

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I hope you are feeling better.

And I hope you are able to safely indulge in some chocolate at some point.

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Sep 15Author

Thank you. I am very bad and sometimes I sneak a piece of chocolate simply because it is a need....(that is why they make Mylanta)

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It sounds like a lot of self discipline.

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Sep 15Author

I have to tell you when I didn't follow the diet, i ended up in the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack. It was so cliched, but I have never had chest pain like this. It felt like a vice was closing in on my chest and nothing I did relieved it. So I do overstep sometimes, but for the most part I try to be good. Do not want to go through that again.

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By the way, I keep thinking about the line “you only care about material things” teen rant and it’s so relatable.

A few weeks ago, I replaced our toilet brush. The new one came from Amazon so it was in the kitchen until I could put it away. One of our teens said, “Why do we have a toilet brush? That’s disgusting.”

I did not answer but I was thinking- *not* having a toilet brush would be what’s actually disgusting.

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Sep 15Author

I literally LOLed with that one.

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