Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by EKB

I had two accidents that confirmed what I had suspected about my shrinking brain. One: Adjusting the volume of a movie on my treadmill, I accidentally hit the highest speed. And completely forgot that there’s an emergency stop. It dragged me over the treadmill and onto the floor and shredded the skin on my arms. They healed. Two: I was dragging a very heavy garbage pail to the curb. As it went over the curb, I lost control of it. But instead of letting go (the smart thing to do) I held on. Down to the ground, over the gravel. Goodby a whole nail and other less drastic injuries. I consider these shrinking brain accidents because they could have been avoided by quick brainwork. On the other hand, when I’m writing my shrinking brain seems to expand. A reason to keep writing, no?

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Apr 1Author

Oh my goodness. I am so glad you are ok. Never thought about the writing part and the brain benefits. I had written and taught for years but gave it up because of a new job. Glad I started writing again. Not just for my sanity. But for the brain benefits as well. Love it!

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May 18Liked by EKB

“One way to tell if you are considered young or old: fall down. Seriously. If you are young people will laugh and ask if you are alright. If you are old people will become instantly alarmed and rush to you and ask, while assessing your condition, if you need an ambulance. 🥴😆”!

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