I liked this. It is really saying that people with inner strength who take responsibility for others is leadership. As a retired Commissioned Officer from the services, I would say this is very close.

The first Principle of Leadership officially is Consistency. It seems surprising but in action it is true. People need to know who they can rely on, they need to trust you and know that you are fair. Real leadership is quite a parental role, both unselfish and inspiring. But you have to do your homework, you have to be the one who knows what to do in an emergency, to take the long-sighted view and to stay steady. It often requires real courage to shoulder the burden, make the decision and carry others along with you.

Here in Britain we have had a long period of poor leadership from self-centred politicians who use the position as a mere stepping stone to being a world statesman. We could do with an inspiring leader to save us.

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Sep 7Author

Thank you.

Even though I am in the US, I want to thank you for your service to the west. I know your allegiance is to the UK, but in protecting Britain you help protect the west. We need people like you.

I truly appreciate your input.

I wish we had inspiring leadership here in the US too.

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Great post. Timely. You wrote, "Leadership is strength, fortitude, and forthrightness."

When I watched Netanyahu's entire press conference, those three traits were definitely on display.

There's several on the rest of the list he needs to revisit sometime in the future. For now, I'm grateful he's the PM.

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Sep 7Author

Thanks Rebekah. I watched Bibi's press conference the other day and as usual he was on target. Unfortunately, alot of Israelis don't see it that way. They want him held responsible for not preparing for Oct 7, or thwarting it. They blame him for a host of issues, which may not actually be his fault. They accuse him of malicious intent, mostly by his political rivals, but it has caught on. They don't like his coalition partners (I don't either) and simply don't trust him. The Israelis themselves will have to decide his future. But he is the consummate political survivor. You can bet though as Joe Biden fades into history, Bibi will still be around, much to the consternation of the Obama bros running US foreign policy.

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Sep 7Author

new poll from israel


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