Strong post. J'Accuse reaches all the way back to Alfred Dreyfus and his 'affair' with the French government. Dreyfus + Herzl + Balfour = Mandate. And here we are.

If it's ok with you, I'll stand next to you any place any time. (Assuming Im able to get there 😊.) Just a gentile - is 'goy' ok to say?

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Sep 29Author

We are happy to have you an an ally.

I would still use the word "gentile." So many Jews don't actually speak yiddish its not really used anymore by us.

But you will see it in hebrew. "Lo yisa goy el goy cherev, lo yilmadu ode milchama"....nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they make war anymore.....

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Thanks for putting me straight.

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The latest definition of a self hating Jew- a Jew who says that the beeper attacks were in discriminate terrorism.

When I see Jews, marching with those keffiyahs, I think the most appropriate term for self hating Jews would be dhimmis.

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Sep 29Author


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I love this. How much I love this. So on target. And the Holocaust survivor part, brave and true.

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Sep 29Author

The class I taught was in a senior center where most of the very elderly were survivors. Not a one of them would ever say anything bad about Israel. That is because they were also real survivors. Those who were hidden, fought in the resistance, or lived through the camps are the survivors..

I think you will notice among those who claim to be survivors who are antiIsrael, they were either saved through the kindertransport or their family was able to leave Germany during the period that Hitler thought to let the Jews leave. They take the moniker of survivor when they are not survivors. I had this argument with the director of the Brandeis Center in Massachusetts online years ago. She was horrified at my attitude. I told her those that left even after the rise of Naism are not survivors. They are lucky but they did not and never did feel the full evil of the Nazi killing machine. To say they are survivors is an insult to actual survivors.

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Sep 29Liked by EKB

Thank you. Well said. These antisemitic JINO individuals are the latest iteration of “useful idiots”.

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I was searching for a term that would best characterize Jews who are antisemites. I thought of some of the collaborater terms in history, but that's not this. I settled on "disown".

Disown is very strong when used in the context of heritage. It implies a complete and deliberate rejection or repudiation of one’s connection to their heritage or ancestry. . Disowning involves refusing to acknowledge or accept cultural, familial, or historical ties, often as a result of personal, social, or political reasons. (Thank you Cambridge & Free dictionaries.)

Maybe the equivalent of Amish shunning, where the name of the shunned isn't ever spoken. Perhaps this group of Jews are of the same ilk as those who danced around the 'golden calf', while Moses was on Mt Sinai. Forty years pass, and they were no more.

BTW, what was happening in 2013 that prompted your post then? I was in nursing school oblivious to world affairs.

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Sep 29Author

The hebrew word is cherem. To banish. we don't need to banish them. They truly have banished themselves by removing themselves from the Jewish people by thought and deed.

In 2013 Obama was president and he was the most antiIsrael president we ever had. He was pushing the JCPOA and it is when Bibi came to speak to the Congress. May Jewish organizations opened their doors to the antiIsrael Jews thinking to bring them into the big tent. This is when the "As a Jew" meme caught on. They would always say "As a Jew" then go on to bash Israel and anything else they could think of.

I also wrote this at the time https://web.archive.org/web/20140914140820/http://usa2mom.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/an-open-letter-to-the-jewish-american-community/

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While I agree with most everything you wrote and feel extreme frustration with the keffiyah-wearing Jews marching against Israel, I still don’t think it’s a great idea to divide our own house. When we come across those Jews, we should offer them whatever education and love they will accept from us rather than turn our backs and let the actual anti-semites use them. If I ran a Hillel, I’d make an extra effort to welcome these Jews, much as it might pain me.

There really aren’t enough of us to totally write off any of us.

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