Excellent advice. Researchers and critical thinkers are hard to find. About as hard to find as folks who can sit down and commence an actual discussion.

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Sep 13Author

Thanks for the compliment. The art of conversation along with critical thinking skills are sorely lacking to be sure.

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Thanks for this. I was unaware of Jefferson's poisonous viewpoint on Hallakhah. Disappointing, but not surprising in a man who somehow thought he had a right to own his children as property.

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Sep 13Author

I had never known this too until my son told me. Disappointing of course, but not really surprising as you said.

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Taylor Swift urged people to register to vote and do their own research and reach their own conclusion as to the candidate deserving their support .. pretty much a basic citizenship/civics message! (Good for her!)

Also notable, after stories appeared surmising that TS would distance herself from a friend for ‘liking’ some post, she made a very public photo opportunity appearance and aptly quashed such speculation.

She is not a federal employee subject to the Hatch Act and, accordingly, is certainly within her rights to state who, after doing her own research, she has decided to support. I doubt that any of her fans will fault her for that even if their choice is different, in fact I think her underlying message is that we should all be able to reach our own conclusions, discuss them without being confined into forever polarized groups, and maintain friendships despite differing political views.

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Sep 15Author

Hello. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my post. I think you missed my entire point about TS and her endorsement. I never said she can't endorse someone. I said why should it matter? That aren't you smart enough to decide who to vote for on your own.

The major point of the post is to think for yourself because you are just as smart if not smarter than an icon. But to your points:

1. Actually when she endorsed Harris that is when she said to do your research. It wasn't a separate talking point. The 2 things were said in conjunction. However, she did add to go out to register to vote. Which is a good thing and it crashed the website.

The question you do have to ask is why did it take her telling young people to register to vote for them to register to vote? One of the first things my sons did when they turned 18 was to register to vote, after they registered for the selective service of course. Where are these young people's parents making sure that they understood the value and importance of a vote? I think it is more an indictment of society and civic education that these young people had not registered to vote. I find that really scary in so many different respects.

2. I linked to the Vanity Faire story which basically showed that she wasn't distancing herself from a friend after the media made a big thing out of them not sitting together at a football game. Did you read the link?

3. Yes, she can endorse whomever she chooses. That is her right. I never said she can't endorse someone. I asked why does it matter?

While you think some would not fault her, there are stories in the media how there are some fans that do. And how according to polling people said her endorsement would have them vote for Trump. Whether this is all nonsense conjured up for "likes" who really knows. I don't put much stock in polls or much of news media these days.

As TS said I do my own research and come to my own conclusions about everything, including whether or not I think an icon's endorsement will sway how I vote.

And since you seem insulted by my post on TS's behalf, what did you think about her raising money for a charity aligned with Hamas? Do you think she and Selena Gomez should have done their research beforehand and figured out another way to help or is Hamas the good guys in your book (despite the raping 12 year olds to death, burning babies alive in ovens, massacring entire families, etc or do you think that is simply an Israeli psyop) and it's ok for them to steal the monies meant to help the children of Gaza which they had been doing for the past 17 years?

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Oops, sorry I insulted you by replying.. no, I do not support Hamas, nor do I follow every charity that TS or any other celebrity supports or make my voting choices based on celebrity endorsements, although as a mom, I admit I find TS a refreshing change from years of wall to wall press coverage of the Kardashians etc. Mostly, I’m taken aback by the constant internet criticism of everyone for everything on the internet (it must be awful to be under that constant negative barrage no matter what you do, even for something as civic minded as encouraging people to vote) and I occasionally respond, although then realize quickly any engagement is a mistake. Frankly, I was hoping she wouldn’t endorse anyone but I appreciate her right to do so rather than be expected (as was so long the case in Nashville) to just be quiet and sing.

Basically, I think encouraging people to vote is a good thing, even if unnecessary in most homes- and even more so in these weird times, making it clear that she supported a friend with apparently different political views (after the press tried to create a controversy) was pleasantly noteworthy. Let’s all be kind to each other.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

First of all if you insulted me your comment would not longer be up and I would not have bothered to respond. I do have a comment policy which is found on my about page.

In responding to you, I pointed out topics which I covered in my post, which you seemed to have missed in your comment. But moreover I was making a point about celebrities/icons/putting those on a pedestal thinking they are smarter than "you," and also not doing "your" research about them. It was a generic "you."

"You" may not know every charity that they have given to, but still follow what they say. But why would you do that? Why follow the musings of someone you know very little about beyond you like her music and the entertainment press' obsession with whom she is dating? You wouldn't do it with say a neighbor, so why are you giving this power to a total stranger simply because she is famous? And research became important since she extorted people to do their research on politics and vote accordingly. Which is a good thing, but people need to research her and any other icons they think are worthy of following their exhortations.

There Is one thing to follow a suggestion she has, it is quite another to idolize her the way she is by so many. By example I mentioned Thomas Jefferson and what my son learned about him in a class.

Yes, encouraging people to vote is a good thing. Showing friendship is also a good thing. But the question remains why did it take her to tell young people to vote? Where are their parents, and why isnt civic education having them do that? (I wrote an entire post on civics and the lack thereof in our society and the problems we face because of it.)

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Well, as lawyer (JD) historian (MA), and political junkie, I always involved my son in civics discussions and the importance of voting, including taking him into voting booth with me. In the 2000 election he heard Ralph Nader on the radio for an appearance when we were visiting Seattle, I bought Nader’s book for him (age 11), he convinced his teachers to allow him to present the Green Party position in their mock debate (in a school where I was one of two mothers who kept my own name and was a Democrat), and in the voting booth convinced me I had to vote Green Party because all his work was lost if he couldn’t convince me (we lived in Tennessee at the time and my vote mattered.. but I thought it important to support his interest). In the midst of the post-election chaos, he developed a beanie baby nation, wrote a constitution (I still have it), held elections, etc; in high school (2005 or so), he read Obama’s Dreams of My Father in his Civics class; in 2012, he gave up his Fulbright to work for the Obama campaign as a field organizer (with mixed feelings, I supported his decision).

I don’t know why it takes a celebrity to motivate someone to register to vote or become interested/involved in the political process as that was not my experience but, meanwhile, I applaud anyone encouraging people to become interested in the political process, research their choices, and vote.

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Sep 17Author

Maybe that is why my sons were interested in voting since my husband and I are both lawyers and my speciality is the civil rights of disabled persons, considering my sons are both on the spectrum.

I was brought up to not be shy about my opinions either. 2nd wave feminist here, with parents who insisted on educating their daughters.

More power to your son.

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