Receding hair is horrible - I never expected it and I hate having it. It's so ageing and so ugly. But hey, there are much worse things I've escaped - so far at least. I'm kind of resigned to resembling a death's head or a portrait of Elizabeth I in old age. I expect she hated it too.

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May 13Author

That widow's peak is not fun at all. But for Elizabeth I, since she was queen, when her hair started to recede it became the fashion and high born ladies would sit for hours plucking the front of their hair.😊

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May 18Liked by EKB

Have you tried Minoxidil? Is that one of the “treatments” you talked about? Did the dermatologist check your vitamin B12 levels? That affects hair too. I’m 54 and have been battling varying hair loss (thank God I had a lot to begin with) since I turned 40, and until about 2-3 years ago I had success taking vitamin D supplements (dr recommend) biotin, and minoxidil (dr recommend. Over the counter generic.) Now however, even after upping my minoxidil medication to the men’s strength (dr recommend) I have an increasingly receding hairline that is trying to “widow’s peak” with one hair in the center of my forehead 😆🥴. Someone aught to write a book called “what to expect when you turn 40 (and 50, and 60…) 😂 Thanks for the heads up about teeth 🦷! BTW, since women’s eyebrows retreat across their face as they age, giving most a permanently angry or disapproving look, I also learned the only other place minoxidil works in on eyebrows. You use a Q-Tip dipped in the liquid and wipe it on your eyebrows where they are and where they should be 😆😳😂. It works if consistent. Maybe I will write that book 📖 🥴🤣 Good luck 🍀

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May 18Author

Thanks for the info. Yes, I have tried the minoxidil and it did nothing. I do have a B12 deficiency and take shots biweekly for it, along with the daily biotin vitamin and D (along with general multis and calcium).

Yes, that widow's peak is not fun. I don't mind the sparser eyebrows right now. I had too much eyebrow hair to begin with, so right now they are fine. But I guess missing eyebrow hair is why you see so many older ladies with eyebrows drawn on😊 Never actually thought about that.

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May 24Liked by EKB

Minoxidil-oral is the effective treatment, very low dose (below the regular dose for hypertension). Topical is not effective for female hair loss. Minoxidil Increases hair all over the body, not only your head, but that is a trade off I am willing to accept. Your GP can prescribe, but you can also get online , I got mine from “Hers”. They’ve been using Oral minoxidil for hair loss for years now in South America, but only recently adopted by American dermatologists after successful studies (ton have any reference on that…but my American dermatologist finally is on board after years for me pledging ). Good luck! :)

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May 24Author

Thanks for the info.

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May 18Liked by EKB

I could handle the widow’s peak better if it quit retreating across my forehead to the back of my head. 😳🥴😆

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Wonderful closing line about the combover. I am off to the dentist, whose shockingly expensive replacements of my 60-year-old fillings I did not see coming.

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May 13Author


Teeth- that's my next post😊

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I had some bitter fun with a teeth post and fear it may be time for an update. Nobody warns you.

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Have you checked hormone levels? Especially thyroid. Check out the forums such as StopTheThyroidMadness.com. They have discussions of hair loss, tiredness, and how to find a good doctor who listens and works with you.

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