I share your anger. Thank you for writing this.

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You're welcome.

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I'm enraged and disgusted as well. And I'm not even Jewish. I'm just a person with a functioning moral compass.

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The important point is that you have a functioning moral compass. That seems to be what has truly been lost in our society.

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Yes, I understand how you feel.

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All of this.

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“Honestly I was more upset that we cut and ran in both Iraq and Afghanistan. What was it for? All those lives lost if we simply hand the countries back to the terrorist, Islamo-nazis, misogynists, and death cultists.” I agree.

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October 7th was one of those rare days when there was unmistaken moral clarity. You could choose to support good or evil. There was no moral grey area on that day. The test was opposing evil or supporting it. And the "smartest" that mankind has to offer failed the test.

Your anger is justified.

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I almost lost it when Richard Engel (MSNBC correspondent in Middle East) commented after Biden’s remarks at the United Nations today—not because he was disrespectful to Biden (which he was) but because of his blatant hostility toward Israel. He and Raf Sanchez should be fired for bias.

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Thank you for putting my emotions and reactions and thoughts into words - words I couldn’t find because my soul is sobbing with an anger that hurts

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These are my thoughts since last Oct. 7 ...

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As I have stated previously:”Throughout the history of the Jewish people and upon the formation of the state of Israel, its destruction and the murder of Jews by its enemies has never ceased and never will, until all the Jews are murdered. The enemies of Israel and Jews everywhere have told them so. They will never release the hostages alive, even if their absurd demands are met. They are fighting the Jacobins. At some point they will be disposed of by the barbarians they are cheering for. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Plan accordingly. Act accordingly.”

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Let your anger fortify your actions.

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My feelings exactly—from 9/11 to our disastrous withdrawal to now.

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