Why subscribe?

I envisage this space as a way to do more than yell into the void ….

A note about commenting policy:

I generally let people say what they want in my world. However, I do draw a line when people do use the “r” word to demean others, or are bullies, or disparage people in order to win arguments. If you can’t win with facts, you have no business in the argument. So if you are reading this and can’t figure out why you can’t “like” or comment on something I wrote somewhere on substack, just know I caught you being a total arse, and I can control what I see and don’t see when I log into my own account. That’s not being a control freak. That’s having standards for what is and is not socially acceptable. Something we used to do wayback when.

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Subscribe to An Unimportant Woman

Don't put off the important things. Stand up for your beliefs. Do what is right and honest. Have patience. Have self-respect. Be kind. And above all BE BRAVE.


Don't put off the important things. Stand up for your beliefs. Do what is right and honest. Have patience. Have self-respect. Be kind. And above all BE BRAVE.